Yesterday was a very peculiar day. When I woke up, Mommy and Daddy gave me this pumpkin (which I'd already found and played with last week, but they don't need to know that!)

They kept telling me to look inside, but I was a little leery...
Finally, I gave in.

And scored myself a brand new book! (I can turn pages, you know.)

After a nice day of napping, playing in the yard and visiting my cool Halloween decorations,

Mommy said it was time to pick up Daddy and go tricker treating. (am I spelling that right??????? I'm just a baby...)

My friend Kate brought her Mama and Papa and we hit downtown Montevallo, where all the businesses were passing out treats. Mommy and Daddy said it was a perfect reminder why we moved back to the south. (Where were we before? Did I miss something? I have a very short-term memory...)

Isn't Kate soooooooooooo pretty in her Tinkerbell costume?

I do love the older women...
We scored lots of neat treats, like cookies, candy and freezie pops. I don't really go for freezie pops, so Kate ate mine.

She even color-coordinated them with her outfit!
After dinner, we headed to Auntie M's and saw Chase in his Viking costume.

Back at home, some kids in costumes knocked on our door and Mommy gave them candy. It only took her three times to figure out that she needed to take me to the door with her so I wouldn't COMPLETELY FREAK OUT. You know, because if she leaves my sight for a second she might never come back oh my gooooooooooooooooooosh, where's my mommyyyyyyyyy?????????? :)
I proceeded to pass out around 7:30 from all the excitement.
But the excitement didn't end there! When we woke up this morning, Daddy went outside and discovered that someone had decorated our trees!

Wasn't that nice of them!?!? They must know we're new to the neighborhood...
All in all, I enjoyed my first Halloween, but I hope Mommy doesn't try to dress me up like a monkey again today. It's awful hot in that costume.
Later, peeps!
PS from Jen L.:
Hey, y'all! Hope you enjoyed Dean's first guest post. I fear there will be more in our future.
I wanted to let everyone know that I'll be participating in National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo), which means I'll be posting a blog each day in November. Be sure to check back often!
Dean, you did great on your first post! I'm so happy that you had a good day yesterday. The pictures are so good, and I love the one of you and Auntie M. Hi, M! Keep posting so we can see what you think of this big, new world.
I love you,
Good Job Dean!
Maybe I will resort of baby blogging later in the month too...
Good job Dean!!! Thanks for coming by and letting me see you in your costume. You're sure a good sport, never once complained about the whole dressing up thing. Hope you enjoy that extra hour of sleep tonight...
Auntie M
Good work bambino! The Poose is looking forward to hijacking Mommy's blog-thingy soon.
P.S. Hello from Alabama!
Very cute Deano. I enjoyed all of the pictures!! You are very handsome in your monkey suit!! :)
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