I used random.org to pick the winner. You can roll a virtual die. It's totally fun.
Happy Sunday, everyone. Our weekend was good. My friend Meredith came to stay with Deano and me while Marcus was out of town picking up our car. (Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, new car!) The insurance people, by the way, never showed on Friday to pick up the wrecked car. Color me surprised.
Here are some picture from our weekend.

This is our car, or what's left of it. (Look over to the left. That silver thing sticking into the picture is the bumper.) If they don't pick it up soon, I'm going to decorate it for Christmas.

Dean met Santa. Unfortunately, this picture is better than the ones I bought. We may have to try again. See his cute sweater, though!?!? When I noticed Santa was at the mall (with NO WAITING!), I called Marcus. He said to buy that kid a Christmas sweater and give him to Santa! Meredith and I always have a crazy time together, but add a baby to the mix and hilarity is sure to ensue. Picture, if you will, the two of us shoved into the bathroom at JC Penney changing a wriggling Dean out of his one-piece outfit and into jeans and a sweater. We had an audience by the time it was done. But it was worth it. ;)

Dean also got his first pair of "big boy" shoes from Stride Rite. (We had a gift card from The View.) He went completely insane in the store, probably just happy to be freed from the stroller. He tried to crawl back to the store room. He tried to climb a display. He drooled on the saleslady. But we came out with a cute pair of "pre-walker" shoes that are supposed to help him learn to walk. I like that he doesn't seem to be able to pull them off easily.

Mostly, Dean enjoyed visiting with his Auntie Meredith. I think she likes him a little bit, too. :)
Everyone have a good week!
I can tell from the smile on his face that Dean loves Aunt Meredith! Sounds like y'all had a great time. What fun it must have been trying to change his clothes! Love the big boy shoes and picture with Santa. You should decorate the car. String some lights on it and it'll look good. Ha!
Congrats to AJU5's mom for winning the contest this week!
I had a great time!! I bought some stuff for Dean on the way home that I will send in time for Christmas. Glad Marcus made it home safe. Give Dean a kiss from his Aunt Meredith for me!
Sorry I forgot to sign my comment -the first one. Oops!
I remember when you wrecked that car! I flagged down Marcus!
Cute pics!!! Dean looks adorable in his big boy shoes. Maybe he won't eat them!!
P.S. If Mama hasn't told you, I'm getting a guitar for Christmas and TOTALLY starting lessons in January. You should join in on the fun. We can start some sort of band and be AMAZING. Dean can sing backup.
Heather meant to say that she HOPES she is getting a guitar for Christmas, that she would LIKE to have a guitar for Christmas...The pics are adorable :)
Auntie M
Heather meant to say that she HOPES she is getting a guitar for Christmas, that she would LIKE to have a guitar for Christmas...The pics are adorable :)
Auntie M
Okay THAT double post was not my fault, the computer has been acting wierd lately.
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