Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let's be honest

In honor of it being only 9 days til Honest Abe's birthday (10 days til MY birthday) and given the fact that I am typing this in my office, where I keep checking the door to see if my boss is coming, much like a seven year old would check to see if her mom was going to catch her staying up past her bedtime, let's be honest with one another:

How much time do you spend on the internet at work for personal reasons? What do you look at?

I read my personal email, sometimes read YOUR blogs (See, it's all your fault. If your lives weren't so interesting, I wouldn't care and would be able to get some work done!), twitter, check facebook, read playbill.com (ok, that one's actually work-related), and often browse Amazon. When I worked at Cornell, I was addicted to a game called Snood. My co-worker and I both were, actually, and we would play at the same time, then IM each other from across the office to compare scores. (If my former supervisor is reading this--she also shared our office--a light just went off in her head. Actually, who am I kidding? I'm sure she knew.)

If you need to be anonymous in your comment, we will all certainly understand.

Now 'fess up.


AJU5's Mom said...

Well, I work from home now. BUT, when I worked on campus, I was browsing the web quite a bit. I didn't want to do anything "important" during office hours in case a student came by, so I just surfed the web or played games. I tried not to hog the bandwidth though - only playing simple games or just browsing.

Hotch Potchery said...

I do whatever I want on the Internet at work whenever I want. I read blogs, write blogs, Twitter, Facebook, all of it. I figure as long as I get my stuff done, noone has room to complain.

Anonymous said...

It's your mama. Caught ya! For shame, girl! Now, get to work!


Surprised Suburban Wife said...

I don't do facebook or blogging at work, but I always have my personal email open. Working in Human Resources means that I have been involved in many disciplinary meetings/terminations regarding inappropriate computer use. Therefore I also don't surf for porn.

You'd be surprised how many employees do!!

Anonymous said...

Um. The interweb takes up a lot of my time. I am a bad, bad worker. ;)

Derek T. Pickens said...

When in my dad's office for 5 years I totally hated it, so to get back at them I would be on the internet for more than half the day. I did eventually get caught by the office manager, but what can they do to the bosses son? :^)

Wendy's Mom said...

Be careful!! For some places have a no internet policy unless work related so you could be in big trouble if caught!! Also it is very easy for them to catch you too!!

Would not want Deano's Mommy to get into trouble!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I don't work outside of home, but every time I come downstairs to do a load of laundry, I have to check a blog or two...
Auntie M

Ilina said...

My laptop is my appendage. I am hoping my husband doesn't leave me for my Twitter addiction.

Marianna said...

I LOVE SNOOD!! What a fantastic and addictive game. I definitely spent waaaaay too much time playing it, and I sure do miss it.