Best Christmas present ever. :)

Dean had lots of quality time with his G-Mama!

He also took quite the liking to his Pop-Pop!!

Me, Dean and Mim (my dad's mom). I have had that sweatshirt since 6th grade. Are you horrified that I'm wearing it or impressed that I can still fit into it???

Reindeer bum-bum! Hanging out with Grandma Willie (my mom's mom).

Dean checks out his new wagon.

Family photo! Marcus, my mom (Grammy), Deano, my Dad (Papa) and yours truly. We clean up ok, huh? We added a little extra Merry to our Christmas by celebrating the first anniversary of my mom's kidney transplant on Dec. 19.

Double trouble...Dean and Adam.

Could you eat his face off in his monkey jammies?

Dean got this cool zebra from G-Mama and Pop Pop. Marcus thinks it's awesome.

Don't say I never post pictures of myself. My hair's even brushed in this one. You can't even see Dean's forehead bruise. ;)
This post and the pictures make me miss y'all even more! It was such a wonderful Christmas with you, Marcus, Dean, Mama, and Mim. We're so very thankful for all of you. Can't wait to see you for Dean's birthday party next weekend!
I love you,
My husband would want some monkey jammies too. Sadly, I married a 5 year old.
Looks like you had a great holiday! Our weather has been bizarre, from shorts to coats back to shorts again. The joy of living in Alabama!
Great pictures Jen, looks like you all had a great time together.
Auntie M
I could just eat him alive!!!! (Why do quotes about how cute babies are always make you sound like some kind of sick cannibal?) ANYWAY... I think the reindeer-booty pjs are the cutest thing ever invented. Think I could pull them off? I really want some.
I love the Carter animal pjs. AJU5 has the ducks and pigs. I hope they have more next year!
And I agree that baby toys are a lot of fun!
What a great first Christmas for Dean-o! I love that sweatshirt, mainly the fact that you kept it and insist on putting it on annually - THAT'S tradition!
Your boy is starting to look more like you Jen! Especially in that pic with the bow in his hair.
About the sweatshirt - definitely impressed! :)
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