In other news, Dean is slowly but surely getting used to sleeping in his own crib again. While we were gone, he decided that it would be fun to refuse to sleep except on male relatives or smack-dab in between Marcus and me. Aside from the 2am OH MY GOSH MY TEETH HURT screaming fit, we actually got some rest last night.
What's everyone doing for New Year's? We'll be preparing for the party this weekend. I'm baking the cake myself, a fact my father finds utterly hilarious. I may do a practice run, though I really don't need the extra sweets in the house. Our friend Lee is coming in on New Year's Day and I'm sure some of our students will be drifting back into town and coming over to beg for, I mean tell us all about their holidays. :) On Jan. 2, we'll be cheering for Alabama as they play in the Sugar Bowl. (Roll Tide!) Then Saturday the 3rd is the big party for Mr. I'm One Year Old. (His actual birthday is the 5th, but who wants to celebrate on a Monday?) Every time I think about him turning one, I cry. Expect a lot of pictures because words will surely fail me in the coming days.

Maybe if I just keep my back turned to her Mommy will stop crying and kissing my face and saying "Oooooooh, my baby boy is gonna be oooooooonnnnnnnneeeeeeeee!" Jeez, Mom. Can't a guy watch Johnny and the Sprites in peace?
My tree will probably be up until then as well. Not because of Epiphany, rather out of sheer laziness. I just can't bring myself to pack all of that stuff away just yet.
You should call me sometime this week and let me know the babysitting plans. That way I can start preparing myself for the fun that is to come! :)
We have started packing our stuff away, the tree is always the last to come down. We have to go out of town the 8th, and when I come back I like to just get back to regular ours will be down before that.
My stuff is still up and will stay up until the 6th. Because, you know Epiphany and all. I'll see you Sat! Heading to the beach tomorrow! Yeah!
Okay, so I was lazy and didn't put anything up this year (we spend Christmas with family). But, if I had, I would have it up until at least the 1st!
Oh- and it looks like Dean is a great stand-er!
Look at my boy standing there by himself! He really likes that show, doesn't he? And he didn't get to see it while he was away from home, so he has some catching up to do.
I miss you all!
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