Thursday, May 3, 2007

T-Minus 1 week!

Our time of departure is creeping up on us QUICKLY! We realized last night (then we panicked a little) that 1 week from tonight, we leave! Marcus will be back to teach another few days of classes before re-joining me in WV for the remainder of the summer, but A WEEK, y'all! The apartment, while cleaner than it's ever been, is unbelievably cluttered. There are piles everywhere. Books we need, research for the shows, my stage management kit and such. And there's still so much to do. Get the mail forwarded. Get haircuts. Pack clothes! AAAAH! I kind of gave it all to Jesus last night and accepted the fact that everyone there will probably be wearing the same 6 shirts all summer, so I'm going to try REALLY hard not to over-pack. I can always go to the mall or the super Wal Mart when we get there and grab a couple of t-shirts. The interesting part of my packing will be my dress for Meredith's wedding. Driving down with it will be a snap--it can hang in the back. I'm still figuring out what to do with it on the plane to Alabama.

Ok, back to it! Keep your eye on our blog for lots of pictures and info about West Virginia coming soon!!!

Oh, and for the Adam fans out there, we'll be stopping through Springfield to visit the other Lanes on our way to WV next week, so I'm sure between Grandma Claudia and me, we'll be armed with a whole new bunch of cute baby pictures!!

1 comment:

mwalker54 said...

I miss you. I am in NYC rehearsing Hairspray. I want to come and see you.