Thursday, November 20, 2008

I got nothin.

I'm having a weird day. So, let's play a game, shall we?

Mine is Glamour magazine. I LOVE Glamour magazine! I started reading it in college. I will never, ever wear high-end designer clothes, but I like to look at them. Glamour has great hair and makeup tips and has recently added a financial advisor to do a column about how to get the most bang for your buck, savings, retirement, etc. They have fun lists like "Top Ten Things each woman should have in her bathroom" and a column written by a "real guy" so we can know how men think (haha) and sad stories about people with illness who triumph thanks to medical technology! They also do neat celebrity interviews and choose the Glamour women of the year and such.

One of my favorite things is "Where has YOUR Glamour been?" which features pictures of women standing on top of the Pyramids in Egypt with the magazine or reading it while scuba diving in the ocean. My friend Kitty and I were all geared up to send in a picture of me in labor reading my Glamour. It was even on the "what to pack" list for my hospital bag (a lot of good that did'll see what I mean if I ever post Dean's birth story). I opened my new issue of the magazine 2 days before I had my baby and wouldn't you know it? Some woman is sitting there hooked up to a fetal monitor, Glamour magazine propped up on her baby belly. She totally stole my idea. And they went on about how cooooooool it was that she brought her Glamour to the delivery room and how they bet she'll be suuuuuuuuch a Glamorous mom. Yeah.

I also enjoy the Fashion Do's and Don'ts. While I was in New York, I was always terrified of ending up on the Don't page, so I paid a little extra attention to what I wore outside my apartment, lest a Glamour photographer be on a stake out for bad fashion at the bakery next door and snap a picture of me in mis-matched yoga pants and a holey sweatshirt. (I have obviously lost this fear since moving to Alabama. If they could see me now, they'd have an entire page of don'ts!)

Anyway, when I get my Glamour, I open it immediately and rip out anything that smells (perfume ads) or is made of cardstock and causes the pages to flip open. Once Dean's in bed, I read it from cover to cover in one sitting. Yay, Glamour.

What is your guilty pleasure?


Hotch Potchery said...

People magazine. Cover to cover, every word. Even better is when I am doing that whilst getting a pedicure. I am psyched that I have penciled in an hour for that tomorrow.

Heather said...

Reaaaallly bad pop '80s songs. You know, the ones that wind up on VH1's "Awesomely Bad" list? The ones you're supposed to cringe at? LOVE THEM. I can't help it...

Surprised Suburban Wife said...

Smarties. Love smarties.

And I also rip the cardstock and thick scent pages out of every magazine IMMEDIATELY so that it will lie flat on any page. Brad laughs at me for doing this but clearly I'm not the only one.

AJU5's Mom said...

I would say chocolate. If it is around, I have a hard time not eating it all. Other sweets like cake and cookies are just as bad. I definitely have a sweet tooth!

Anonymous said...

Ice cream!!!!

I tear out the cards from magazines first thing, too.


meredith said...

"Reality TV." Love it, love it, love it! I cannot get enough of anything on Bravo (with the exception of Top Chef-snoooooze). I am addicted to "The Real Housewives of O.C.; NYC; & ATL. I also LOVE the Amazing Race since it is one of the few actual competitions out there. I mean, a race around the world? I would totally do that!

CarpeDM said...

I would have to say reality TV is one of them. The other is obsessively playing games on And the LOLcats. The spelling makes me cringe but the cats are so dang cute it makes up for it.

Anonymous said...

Shopping!!! I can go and spend ALL day trying on clothes, looking at makeup, checking out the latest in home decor, etc...

Auntie M

Not Your Aunt B said...

Love the fashion Do's & Don'ts.
And I religiously watch the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and America's Next Top Model (which is over now) as my guilty pleasures, while drinking some wine and having a lot of anything chocolate.

Derek T. Pickens said...

Two words: Golden Girls.